5.02 Harrison Parkway Elementary Matching Playground Funds
5.03 HSE High School Matching Funds
5.04 Policy Bundle Second Reading/ G02.04/Staff Ethics, J10.00/Use of Isolated Time Outs and Physical Restraint (NEW TITLE: Use of Restraint and Seclusion), J07.11/Suicide Awareness and Prevention
5.05 Bond Refunding
5.06 Wayne Township Project Construction Manager
5.07 New Britton Elementary Skylight
5.08 Fall Creek Intermediate Partial Roof Replacement
5.02 Harrison Parkway Elementary Matching Playground Funds
5.03 HSE High School Matching Funds
5.04 Policy Bundle Second Reading/ G02.04/Staff Ethics, J10.00/Use of Isolated Time Outs and Physical Restraint (NEW TITLE: Use of Restraint and Seclusion), J07.11/Suicide Awareness and Prevention
5.05 Bond Refunding
5.06 Wayne Township Project Construction Manager
5.07 New Britton Elementary Skylight
5.08 Fall Creek Intermediate Partial Roof Replacement