Video index
1. Meeting Opening
1.01 Meeting Opening
1.02 Pledge of Allegiance
2. Snapshots of Success
2.01 Riverside Junior High and HSE High School Cheerleaders - State Cheer Champions
3. Consent Agenda
3.01 Board Minutes
3.02 Certified and Support Staff Reports
3.03 Claims, Payrolls, 403(b) and 457 Salary Reduction Agreements
3.04 Authorization to Prepay Claims
5. Action Items
5.01 Cumberland Road Elementary Matching Playground Funds
5.02 Hoosier Road Elementary Matching Playground Funds
5.03 2019-2020 Calendar Amendment
5.04 Policy Bundle First Reading: J03.02/J03.01.01/J07.10/G02.15 & K10.00/J08.00/E04.01/G03.02.01
5.05 Administrative and Non-Certified Salaries
5.06 Additional Appropriation Hearing - 2020 GO Bond
5.07 Adopt Additional Appropriation Resolution
5.08 Adopt Final Bond Resolution - 2020 GO Bond
5.09 Second Preliminary Determination Hearing and Project Hearing
5.10 Preliminary Determination Resolution and Project Resolution
6. Superintendent's Report
6.01 Matters of Corporation Interest
6.02 January 15, 2020, DRAFT Agenda
7. Board Committee Reports
7.01 District Analytics
7.02 Curriculum
7.03 Equity
7.04 Policy
8. Board Members Reports
8.01 Highlights of Events, Activities and Projects
Dec 11, 2019 Board Meeting
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Meeting Opening
1.01 Meeting Opening
1.02 Pledge of Allegiance
2. Snapshots of Success
2.01 Riverside Junior High and HSE High School Cheerleaders - State Cheer Champions
3. Consent Agenda
3.01 Board Minutes
3.02 Certified and Support Staff Reports
3.03 Claims, Payrolls, 403(b) and 457 Salary Reduction Agreements
3.04 Authorization to Prepay Claims
5. Action Items
5.01 Cumberland Road Elementary Matching Playground Funds
5.02 Hoosier Road Elementary Matching Playground Funds
5.03 2019-2020 Calendar Amendment
5.04 Policy Bundle First Reading: J03.02/J03.01.01/J07.10/G02.15 & K10.00/J08.00/E04.01/G03.02.01
5.05 Administrative and Non-Certified Salaries
5.06 Additional Appropriation Hearing - 2020 GO Bond
5.07 Adopt Additional Appropriation Resolution
5.08 Adopt Final Bond Resolution - 2020 GO Bond
5.09 Second Preliminary Determination Hearing and Project Hearing
5.10 Preliminary Determination Resolution and Project Resolution
6. Superintendent's Report
6.01 Matters of Corporation Interest
6.02 January 15, 2020, DRAFT Agenda
7. Board Committee Reports
7.01 District Analytics
7.02 Curriculum
7.03 Equity
7.04 Policy
8. Board Members Reports
8.01 Highlights of Events, Activities and Projects
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