Video index
1. Meeting Opening
2. Snapshots of Success
3. Consent Agenda
3.03 Claims, Payrolls, 403(b) and 457 Salary Reduction Agreements ***This itemwas removed from the consent agenda and voted on separately by the board.
4. Public Comments
5. Information Items
6. Action Items
7. Superintendent's Report
8. Board Members Reports
Nov 10, 2021 Board Meeting
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Meeting Opening
2. Snapshots of Success
3. Consent Agenda
3.03 Claims, Payrolls, 403(b) and 457 Salary Reduction Agreements ***This itemwas removed from the consent agenda and voted on separately by the board.
4. Public Comments
5. Information Items
6. Action Items
7. Superintendent's Report
8. Board Members Reports
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